
Another Little Blue.jpg End of the Road.jpg Fearless.jpg Guarding from Afar.jpg Little Blue.jpg Lousy Picture - Great Bird.jpg One Big - One Small.jpg Really Fearless.jpg So Graceful.jpg Spooked Both.jpg Superb Flight.jpg There Really Are Two.jpg Wader Hunting.jpg
URL:Garmin International
Date/Time:Fri Feb 20 20:21:12 2009
Total Distance:5.30 miles (8.53 km)
Total Trip Time:3:10:02 (2:11:35 moving time)
Total Climbing:3244 feet (989 m)
Total Descending:3020 feet (920 m)
Average Speed:2.42 mph (3.89 kph)
Another Little Blue.jpg
Another Little Blue.jpg
End of the Road.jpg
End of the Road.jpg
Guarding from Afar.jpg
Guarding from Afar.jpg
Little Blue.jpg
Little Blue.jpg
Lousy Picture - Great Bird.jpg
Lousy Picture - Great Bird.jpg
One Big - One Small.jpg
One Big - One Small.jpg
Really Fearless.jpg
Really Fearless.jpg
So Graceful.jpg
So Graceful.jpg
Spooked Both.jpg
Spooked Both.jpg
Superb Flight.jpg
Superb Flight.jpg
There Really Are Two.jpg
There Really Are Two.jpg
Wader Hunting.jpg
Wader Hunting.jpg