This is a really lovely little river. Clear water, mostly sand bottom, very few signs of humans. Saw some very big fish for such a small stream: about 12-14 long and slender, moving very fast downstream. I'm told that there is a big alligator that lives near the water intake but I did not make it that far; he must be horney because I didn't see any others to keep him company, probably a grumpy guy.
Was almost put off at first because I could not get the whole paddle in the water and was making very little progress. It channelled a bit and got better after about 50 ft. I understand that the water level was low, still had about 1mph current, coming back was fast.
For a unique experience after you paddle visit the Sun City Publix just up the road a bit. Kind of a Leisure World on steroids, I swear there is no one in there under 70 years old, staff or customer. I saw one employee, no less, who looked like he was 90!
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DeLorme Florida : 91 c3
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Sandy Huff says that this river has about 100 feet per 25 miles gradient. Seems about right. I did a double-take when I saw the number, I'm used to seeing 100 feet per mile.
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